Saturday, 31 December 2016

Horary Astrology : Should I buy this property?

**這是我為占星雜誌Infinity Magazine Jan/Feb 2017 Issue 撰寫關於卜卦占星的文章
雜誌連結 : Infinity Magazine 11

Should I buy this property?

Buying and selling property is an important decision to many people as they usually have only a few transactions in their whole life. Making a correct decision may mean making a fortune while an unwise transaction may bring troubles and nightmares. As the property market is heated up worldwide, property related questions are some of those mostly asked. We will see in this article the aphorisms for property matter and will study a chart example.

For property questions, we usually would want to know :
   Whether the transaction can be made properly
   The conditions of the property
   The benefit/ profit for the querent

Whether the transaction can be made properly

There are two parties in a transaction : The buyer and the seller. The querent, no matter he is the seller or buyer, he is signified by the ascendant and planets in the first house, and the other party is signified by the 7th house. Whether the transaction can be made properly, we will need to see if the significators of the two parties are connected positively, which means a contract is made. They can be brought to perfection by :
1)     A direct application to aspect or conjunction. If it is aspect with reception, the deal is made with the willingness of the parties.
2)     Translation of light or collection of light
3)     Emplacement—one of the significators is placed in the house of the other party.
Also, the connection between the buyer and the property (4th house) gives a stronger indication that the property will be sold. However, if there is connection between the seller and the property only, it would show the property will be retained.

The conditions of the property

If the querent is the buyer, one of the main concerns will be the condition of the property. The querent may want to know whether it is in proper condition, a good place to live in or suits his needs. Nowadays the buyer might not be able to inspect the property thoroughly before he can made a decision. Particularly there are some properties which are sold during the construction period that the buyers make the purchase just by reading the promotional material provided by the developers. Thus if the horary chart can give some insights about the property itself it would be helpful to the buyer.
To assess the quality of the property, the 4th house, including the Lord of the 4th, the planets and their aspects can tell us how the property looks like. Not only the condition of property the 4th house can tell, it also shows the long term potential and success of the house. Lilly writes, “But it either Jupiter, Venus or North Node be in the fourth, or the Lord of the fourth in this own house, viz. in the fourth, the Purchaser may expect good success in the Land or House now in buying, and that it may continue a long time with his Posterity, and it’s an argument he shall have good increase for his money by that bargain[1].”
Besides the 4th house, some people may have concern about the neighbourhood. A troublesome neighbour could be disturbing and affect the living condition. Thus the 3rd house would be a place to investigate for such matters.

The Price

When buying or selling a property, one of the main concerns is the price. The buyer wants a good bargain while the seller wants to make a good profit. Lilly says, “Let the tenth house, a planet or planets placed therein, and the Lord of that house signify the Price, that is, whether it will be sold cheap or dear[2].” If we take the 10th house as the price, there will be questions arising: How do we define whether the price is high or low? It is something subjective and different persons may hold different views. If the 10th house is strong, does it mean the price is high while an afflicted 10th house means a low price? This may fit if the querent is the seller but quite illogical if the querent is the buyer. The 10th house naturally signifies success and fruits of the matter, if a strong 10th house means a high price, this will in turn not advantageous to the querent if he is the buyer.
To clear the confusion, we can take a step back and stick to the basic principle of the 10th house. It signifies the success, advantages, benefits of the matter to the querent. Bonatti, in his writing about “if renting the land or the house would be useful”, suggests, “Then look at the 10th. If a benefic were in it or were to aspect from a trine or sextile aspect, the matter will be arranged and perfected. If indeed there were a malefic in it or who aspected the 10th by opposition or a square aspect, the renting will not be perfected…[3]
Thus a strong 10th house would mean benefits to the querent, and an afflicted 10th house is disadvantageous to the querent, no matter he is a seller, buyer, tenant or landlord. In this sense, the focus is not on judging the price is high or low but the “profit” or “benefit” to the querent. If the querent is the buyer, a fortunate 10th house means the deal is advantageous to him, it may mean a low price, a profitable deal, or the purchase itself is a good investment. If the querent is a seller, a fortunate 10th house suggests the transaction is beneficial to him, or he is making a good profit.

A Horary Case

I would like to show a horary case here that the querent asked, “Should I buy this property?”
Background : The querent asked whether she should buy a property for investment. She was interested in that property not only for investment sake, but also out of her teenage memory. She was studying in the school near the site, and her mother’s friend was living in one of the apartments next to her school. Her mother brought her to the aunt’s home for a few times which became a memorable experience for her. She loved the greenery hill view from the window, the honey water served by the aunt and she told herself that one day she should have a flat there. The old buildings was demolished and new apartments are now built on the site. The querent thus wanted to buy a flat there to fulfil her dream. However, her rational side also reminded her to check whether it is now a good time to buy and whether it will be a good investment.

The rising sign is Cancer and the querent is signified by the Moon in Virgo in the 3rd house of neighbourhood. This illustrates the querent is moved by her nostalgic feeling and the fact that she was studying in the school near the apartment.   Also, the querent has her natal Sun in Cancer and Moon in Virgo which clearly resonate with this horary chart. The Moon separates from Venus in the 5th house, which signifies the contact with the property agent. The 5th house represents ambassador, and thus the agent in business matter. Venus also rules the 4th, which represents the past as well as the property. The Moon is making a square with Saturn in the 6th, Saturn rules the 7th and 8th. In a property question, the 7th house signifies the seller, or the developer in this case while the 8th house is about mortgage and financing. Thus it seems difficult for the querent to make a transaction, and as she said, rationally she did not see this as a good investment as she thought the property market might not be doing good in the near future. She also felt stressful financially if she was going to buy this property.

Is she right? Is the property price too high and this might not be a profitable investment? The 10th house signifies the potential benefit. It is ruled by Jupiter in the 4th house Libra. Jupiter is peregrine and combust, suggesting this is not a good deal for the querent. Jupiter is sextile with Saturn and they receive each other by sign and by exaltation. This would say the benefit is on the seller’s side. The chart confirms the querent’s  opinion that such investment might not be a good one.
How is the property? The property is signified by the 4th house ruler Mercury, in his own sign Virgo in the 3rd house. The dignified Mercury suggests the property itself is of good value and condition. Being in the 3rd house again reflects the querent’s love of that property as it is in the neighbourhood of her school and the aunt’s home. Jupiter and the Sun are in the 4th house Libra. Libra represents “sides of Hills, tops of Mountains[4]”. Actually, the property is on the hill and querent was impressed by the greenery hill when she was sitting by the window at her aunt’s home. This is one of the reasons why she fell in love with this place. More interestingly, the querent emphasized that she loved the honey water served by the aunt, and Jupiter rules the bees and sweet[5]. The chart clearly illustrates the beauty of the environment which enchanted the querent most. She said it was like a scene in her favourite novel.

Despite of her love towards the place, the querent remained rational when she considered from an investment perspective. Another planet in the 4th house is the Sun in Libra. It is in detriment, rules the 2nd house of finance, suggesting it is a burden to the querent and it might be too risky if she buys the flat at the moment. Finally she decided not to buy it but may consider it again three years later when the construction is finished. The 10th house cusp is at a late degree of 26.37 Pisces. By three and a half degree, it will change to Aries, and Mars is in Capricorn. The exalted Mars suggests the property will become more beneficial to the querent, probably after three and a half years (one degree corresponds to one year), and this matches the querent’s plan.

When the querent asked this question, the property market was very hot and many different properties sold well, but the sales of the quesited apartments were relative low due to the high price. This fits what the chart suggests that the property is not beneficial to the querent from an investment point of view.

(Caption) The was how the site looked like in the past and the querent fell in love with this view. They were on the hill and the old buildings were demolished while the quesited apartments are under construction.

此文章所提到的是屬於卜卦占星Horary Astrology的範籌,為高階的占星。想學習占星,可先從最基礎的開始。
想更深入的了解占星,新一班占星入門班於2017年3月開課,現已接受報名,名額有限,2月前完成報名繳費可享早報優惠 :
*適合人士 : 對占星沒什麼認識,從零開始學習,這是歡迎新手參加的入門班。又或對占星有一點認識,但想更有系統的學習,打好基礎。 

Jupiter Lai - Hong Kong
Jupiter, a practising astrologer based in Hong Kong, is active in teaching astrology in Hong Kong, China and Malaysia. She is the co-founder, along with Rod Chang, of the Academy of Astrology, which was founded in 2008 with the aim of promoting Western Astrology to Chinese speakers. Jupiter lectures on a wide range of astrological subjects from natal to mundane astrology, and also incorporates Chinese astrology, I-Ching and Feng Shui into her own astrological practice. Through the work of the Academy, Jupiter has helped to introduce many international speakers to Asia, where they have shared their astrological insights to local students.
Jupiter began her formal study of astrology with the Faculty of Astrological Studies, and later received certification as a horary practitioner from the STA School of Traditional Astrology in 2013. Enthralled by the philosophical principles and techniques of classical astrology, she continues her in-depth study of horary with the STA‘s
Master course.
Jupiter is also a tutor of the STA School of Traditional Astrology. With an aim to bring horary astrology to the Chinese speaking communities, Jupiter has been working on the translation of the STA course material since 2014 and is offering the Practitioner‘s Level Horary Practitioner‘s Course in Chinese in Hong Kong. She will speak in the FAA International Astrology Conference held in Melbourne in 2018.

[1] CA p.206
[2] CA p.205
[3] Bonatti, Book of Astronomy, Treaties 6 : On Questions p.405-406
[4] CA p.96
[5] CA p.63-64

Thursday, 29 December 2016


大家一直認識的12星座,久不久就受到衝擊,說應該有第13個星座,即蛇夫座,所以大家所屬的太陽星座要重新執位,不但挑戰原有占星系統,簡直是挑戰原有的身份認同。而這個「13星座」的說法,近年更被所謂的權威機構如BBC 和 NASA提出,然後再在網上瘋傳,令訊息更為混亂。
其實蛇夫座不是今天才被發現,古人一早已知他的存在,而在占星系統上,為什麼一直沿用12星座,而非13星座,有其天文、文化、歷史的原因。國際知名的占星師、英國School of Traditional Astrology (STA) 的創辦人Deborah Houlding為此寫了詳細的解釋,筆者獲授權按其資料寫成中文(並非逐隻字翻譯),以解釋清楚當中的來龍去脈。

什麼是黃道十二星座 (Zodiac)?

在占星學上,我們常說的十二星座,其實是建基於黃道十二星座Zodiac (亦稱黃道十二宮/黃道帶),要了解黃道十二星座前,先要了解黃道(Ecliptic)。

黃道,顧名思義,就是黃色的道路; 黃色,就是太陽。古代天文學家,觀察一年當中太陽走過的路,稱之為黃道,用來追縱太陽的軌跡,並以太陽的位置作季節和曆法上的依據。
 (註 :  黃道被視作「太陽明顯的路徑」,雖然地球是繞著太陽走,但從地球人的角度去看,是太陽在移動,所以占星是以地球為出發角度去看。) 
黃道 (Ecliptic)是一條線,以23.5°的傾斜度切過赤道(Equator)(見上圖)。”Ecliptic”這個名字,是源自日月食(Eclipses)。因為每六個月,當月亮橫過太陽的路徑,形成新月和滿月的當兒,就是日月食的時候。

黃道和赤道之交匯、相互的角度,讓地球有季節之分。當太陽在黃道上,跑到跟赤道之交匯點,日和夜的長度就是對等,也就是春分和秋分。(春分和秋分在英文上是 Equinoxes, 意即「平分的夜」) 當太陽在黃道上的最高點(稱為北回歸線Tropic of Cancer, 位於北緯23.5度),就是夏至; 在最低點 (南回歸線Tropic of Capricorn, 位於南緯23.5度),就是冬至。




1) 圖1  太陽系中的行星都是在類近的平面(即傾斜度差不多) 繞著太陽走。冥王星是例外(冥王星是肉眼看不見,在古代亦未被發現),他的傾斜度有17°。

2) 圖2 地球被黃道帶圍著。繪圖來自Andreas Cellarius, The Celestial Atlas, or the Harmony of the Universe, 1660.

3) 圖3 此圖來自軟件 Stellarium,顯示土星火星月亮位於黃道附近,在處女座、巨蟹座、雙子座上。

為什麼黃道十二星座分為十二等分,而不是其他數目? 為什麼是平均劃分?

一年有365日,而黃道,如所有圓形一樣,分為360度 (這是由古代巴比倫人定義的,因為365不容易「除開」,所以以較接近的數360來將曆法對應太陽周期)

黃道十二星座是以日曆為藍本,先將黃道帶分為四等分,每等分相距90度,那四點就是黃道及赤道的交匯點,以及黃道的最高及最低點,為四季的開端(春分、夏至、秋分、冬至)。每一等分再分為3個星座,每個30度,以對應太陽走30天(一個月)的時間; 所以太陽走畢十二星座,即十二個月,剛好就是一年的時間。而每個30度的星座之命名,是根據二千年前那些位置的背景星空是什麼星座去定。但要了解,背景星座(如金牛座、雙子座那些),有大有小,闊度亦不一樣,並非每個都剛好佔據了30度、齊齊整整的排成一個圈。所以這個命名,就如我們將地圖劃成為A3、D 4等區域,而在黃道帶上就以白羊座、金牛座來標示稱呼那12個區域。


要建立一個可靠的曆法,需要對太陽月亮地球周期有詳細的認識。基本上,太陽就是每365日回到同一點,在同一地平線點上升起。而在此太陽周期中(一年),也包含了月亮的12個周期,月亮每年平均盈虧12次,剩下數天。英語中month來自mona, 對應moon月亮; 日曆中的月份周期並非月亮圍繞地球的周期28日,而是太陽月亮之間的30日周期,即太陽月亮合相/新月到下一次新月。


Zodiac Constellation 跟 Star Sign是一樣的嗎? (因為中文全統稱為星座,所以這部份還是要以英文的term去解說)

Zodiac Constellation代表在黃道帶上的一組組星星。黃道帶上有很多的星星,在歷代不同的文化、甚至同一文化,在歷史上不同的時段,都會將這些星星組合,劃出不同的星座,而這些由肉眼可見的星星組成的星座,稱作Zodiac Constellation(黃道帶上的星座)。
但黃道帶Zodiac本身,如上文所說,是數學上的平均切割,是根據曆法去劃分,一直以來就是那12等分的Zodiac Signs

Constellation 和 Sign (中文都叫星座,所以更易混肴)是不同的 :
Constellation —就是平日觀星的「星座」,代表一組組的星星。拉丁文中Con就是代表「一起」,Stellas就是「星星」。

Sign— 這是占星學上常提到的星座,雖然還是叫「星座」,但如上文所說,是根據天文曆法原則去定義。古時定義黃道十二星座的天文學家,同時也是占星學家,會對於這些星座附予更多的意思,但這些「星座」並非枱頭望天就可見,亦不是在位置大小上完全對等同名的星座 (即占星上說的天秤,跟星空上的天秤,並非對等),因為星空上的星座,大小不一,但黃道上的十二星座,是十二等分的區域。

(簡單來說,Signs 是占星學上我們常說的12星座,Constellations是夜觀星空所見的「星座」)


圖1) 來自Isaak Habrecht's 1666 edition of Planiglobium coeleste ac terrestre,展示出12等分的星座如何搭在不同大細的constellations星座之上(courtesy of Echo Cultural Heritage Online) 外圈的星座度數對應著曆法上的日和月分。在constellations上的虛線就代表著黃道。

圖2) Constellations星座在黃道上(by Albrecht Dürer, 1515), 可見一些星座,如雙子和巨蟹,Constellations都在黃道的雙子和巨蟹的區域上。

根據上文的解說,先要了解黃道帶上的Zodiac 星座跟肉眼可見的星空星座Constellations是不同的,而一直提出要用上蛇夫座的人,就是將這兩個概念混淆了。
蛇夫座並非什麼新發現,在二世紀Ptolemy的天文著作Almagest中,當時已有蛇夫座,稱作Septentarius。一早已知黃道劃過蛇夫的一小部份,但蛇夫是一個很大的星座,並不整個在黃道帶範圍內。而大英百科全書Encyclopaedia Britannica (2014)亦清楚寫道,黃道帶是什麼,為什麼它確實有經過蛇夫,但蛇夫並非十二星座的一員。


圖1) Plate 9 of Alexander Jamieson’s Celestial Atlas (1822)—顯示蛇夫座是很小部份,只有其腳是踏在黃道帶上,當中的主星Ras Al Hague,在36° north - 27°, 遠超越黃道帶。
圖2) Plate 21 of Alexander Jamieson’s Celestial Atlas (1822)—水瓶座和山羊座,很明顯就是在黃道帶上。Plates courtesy of U.S. Naval Observatory


以黃道帶作為天文、數學上的計算,已有超過二千年的歷史。黃道帶、當中的劃分、黃道星座的大小沒有改變,變的是其開端點—春分點。如果以春分點背後的星星constellation作為背景來標示其位置,春分點的確有變。如以太陽每年回到零度/赤道的點為春分,這個點每年都會向西移50秒,雖然是極微少,但長年累月就會跟最初的位置有明顯的距離。而這現象,稱為歲差precession of the equinoxes,亦是從古代起已知曉,希臘天文學家 Hipparchus和柏拉圖都有提到,歲差對於曆法的影響,亦在二世紀Ptolemy的著作有說到。



歲差要26000年才走完一圈,是占星學上說的Great Year,代表著一個文明的終結,另一文明的開始。


1 and 2) Alexander Jamieson’s Celestial Atlas (1822).

3) Albrecht Dürer's Constellations of the northern and southern skies, (1515)


另一系統,則主要是印度占星所用,就是以肉眼所見的星空位置為根據,稱為 Sidereal Zodiac (拉丁文中Sidus即Star),所以此系統是以真實的星座作定點,但就沒有了季節、曆法的關係了。不過,雖然實質的星座各有大小,但仍是維持每個星座30度的分割。

而在此 Sidereal Zodiac 系統中,也有不同的方法去定義哪個是起點,其中一個較普遍的方法是以處女座的恒星Spica 的對分點為起點,有些是以金牛的Aldebaran為起點。這個系統就沒有上面所說的北半球傾向問題,並以星空的星座、星星之間的關係去解讀。其實兩個系統各有特式,也有不少共通之處,兩派的占星師也會互相討論。


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