卜卦占星(Horary Astrology) 本質就是關於問「問題」,問卜者有一個疑問(無論是關於事業、愛情、金錢、做生意、尋找失物、健康等等),提出後,當占星師完全了解問卜者的問題後,就以該時間起星盤,然後根據該星盤作出回答。其實這個過程跟傳統的問卜差不多,都是問問題—>起卦—>解答。同時,也跟我們常說的「心誠則靈」的「誠」很有關係。
對星盤作出判斷前,古代的占星師提醒我們,該星盤是否能夠被判斷,正如William Lilly於Christian Astrology (p.121)中寫道 “All the ancients that have wrote of questions do give warning to the astrologer, that before he deliver judgement he should consider whether the figure is radical and capable of judgement.”
其實這不是說該卜卦盤是否能夠被解讀,而是問卜者的動機和誠意。Bonatti在其Considerations中說 : 首先考慮是什麼推動問卜者去問此問題,第一是靈魂的觸動,問卜者被受其動機所觸發去問,第二是問的態度,他必須要向上帝禱告,祈求上帝讓他明白事情的真相,而對於觸動著他的動機,需要日日夜夜放在心裡,確保不是一時衝動或好奇之下去問。
其實這不是說該卜卦盤是否能夠被解讀,而是問卜者的動機和誠意。Bonatti在其Considerations中說 : 首先考慮是什麼推動問卜者去問此問題,第一是靈魂的觸動,問卜者被受其動機所觸發去問,第二是問的態度,他必須要向上帝禱告,祈求上帝讓他明白事情的真相,而對於觸動著他的動機,需要日日夜夜放在心裡,確保不是一時衝動或好奇之下去問。
(“The 1st consideration is on those things which move a man to pose a question (and there are three motions). The first is the motion of the soul, when someone is moved by his intention to pose a question…”
The second consideration further says : “…he must observe this manner of asking, plainly that he ought to pray to the Lord God, from Whom every good beginning leads, and to entreat Him (with all devotion and with a contrite spirit) that it should fall to him to reach to an understanding of the truth of those things about which he intends to ask. Then with this truth, he ought to go to the astrologer with intention concerning that about which he is going to ask, and about which he proposed to ask, and the intention for which he retains in this heart for a day and a night (or more), not touched by just any motion of the mind (as sometimes many impertinent people are wont to do, as is said elsewhere). And thus He who spoke, who gave so you may seek, will add [to it] so that you may find.”
當然,時至今天,我們不一定要先禱告,但重點在於一個「誠」字,這裡就是說,所問的問題,必須對問卜者非常重要、迫切,而他也經過反覆思考,並以真誠的態度去問。古代的占星師,對於問題是否可問、被判斷相當重視,而這也視乎問卜者的態度。簡單來說,問卜者問得隨便,得到的卜卦盤也會反映出模模糊糊的訊息; 問得真誠,就會得到能提供資訊清晰的卜卦盤。
延伸閱讀 : When the question is not a question —Consultation skills in Horary practice
此文章所提到的是屬於卜卦占星Horary Astrology的範籌。
Jupiter 為英國古典占星學院School of Traditional Astrology之導師,獲授權教授其古典卜卦占星證書課程。
香港區課程大網 : http://magiclife.com.hk/id/stahorary/
Jupiter 受邀參加2018年澳州占星年會 FAA Astology Conference,為講者之一,講課題目包括卜卦占星中的地產議題,以及木星周期跟12生肖的關係。
講者資料 : http://www.faainc.org.au/faa-conference-2018/jupiter-lai/
FAA 年會資料 : http://www.faainc.org.au/faa-conference-2018/